Monday, September 17, 2007

Manic Mondays

Have I mentioned that I hate Mondays?!?!? AAARRRRGGHH! Today has definitely been a crazy day and its only half over!

I start my wonderful Monday out by getting up late. As I start my morning ritual, I listen to the news and of course, my freeway is at a stand still because of a wreck. Now, of course the accident is outbound and I am going inbound, but everyone has to stop and stare at all the pretty flashing lights. So, I think great, I'm already late and now I'm really going to be late!

I jump in my truck ready to tackle the traffic and as I sit at a light not far from my subdivision, my truck dies. Fantastic! I'm sitting there in the middle of the road at what is now a green light, and all I can think is I have to get to work today!! I have a million deadlines that have to be done today! GREAT. Now what. Luckily my truck decides to start and I call the dh and tell him about it so he tells me to turn around and come back and get his truck. I head back to the house, and he has evidently had time to think about all this and has decided that it would be easier to just change my battery out for his. Not sure who's world that would be eaiser in, but okay. We get the batteries changed and I am once again on my way to work.

Just then, my phone rings and its my friend Michelle. She tells me that they took my godson to the ER last night because he got hit in the eye with a baseball. Well, that's special! Luckily he is okay, but he does have a concussion. Poor guy, but isn't he cute!?!?!?!

At least he is okay even if his little eye is swollen shut! I told her he should tell people, "well if you think I look bad, you should see the other guy!!!" heheheheehee

So I finally arrive at work only to find a lovely email awaiting my arrival. One of my fellow fire fighters from Cypress Creek VFD has passed away. He went to the ER last night with a shortness of breath and they found numerous clots in his heart. Unfortuantely they were not able to do anything for him and he passed away. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Thats enough for one Monday, so hopefully the rest of the day will go better!!!! :-)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

New Friends in Unusual Places

Have you ever spent almost half your life disliking someone only to find out that you actually really like them once you get to know them? Its quite an interesting feeling really. Something I never would have expected.

I have known who this person was for probably 20 years. But she was always the one "who stole my man!" so of course, I didn't much care for her. And you know how it is when you are young and dumb, its always easier to blame other people for things not working out. So, that is what I did. Its funny though, things always have a way of working out though.

I recently joined a website for my old high school. You can hook up with all your old friends from school on it. Kinda neat actually. No, its not I actually joined Well, it also shows alumni from other schools as well. So of course, I came across this particular person. Took a peek at her site to see what "they" were up to. Oh, I failed to mention that she married this man of mine that she stole! hehehee Anyway....we spent some time peeking at each other's profiles, so I finally decided you know what, I'm just going to say hello. What do I have to lose right? Other than she could have just seriously gone off on me so I actually was a bit concerned about what I was going to get back! Oh well. No pain no gain! So, I popped her an email and just said hello and commented on how beautiful their two girls were. How could anyone get mad at that right??? :-)

Well, she sent a nice reply back, and we actually spent time emailing back and forth and you know what, I actually like her! We have a lot of things in common. Its interesting really. We don't spend hardly any time discussing the past, other than to take a few stroles down memory lane. But never in a negative way. Its always been positive. We've really had some great laughs over the whole thing. And it has really brought back some great memories and things I have long forgotten. Of course sometimes she keeps me up way past my bedtime chatting though!!! hehehehehee I just can't help it! She cracks me up! Oh, and did I mention that she cracks herself up also?!?!? hehehehee
I love hearing about her two beautiful daughters. They are amazing. Its funny to hear about how different they are. I get almost as excited as she does listening to her talk about her youngest's volley ball games! I love it!
Who would have ever thought she and I would end up talking. I'd sure like to see the looks on a few people's faces if they only knew!!!!