Tuesday, April 24, 2007


There are many "why" questions I would LOVE to have answers to. But right now, the only "why" question I care about is why do some of the nicest, sweetest people that would never hurt a fly, end up sufering through things as horrible as cancer? It just seems like its running rampit nowadays and getting worse and worse.

I've spoken previously about my friend Cheryl that is going through chemo and all that for her second round of cancer. Well, I hadn't heard from her in awhile and knew that couldn't be good. She always calls and keeps me updated. She's been like my second mom for years. In alot of ways I was closer to her than my own mom. Since I hadn't heard anything, I emailed her daugher, Michelle, and I received the following response:

Well, mom's doctor appointment was yesterday. It's not very good news. I'm not sure if this is easier over email or if you can/want to talk about this at work. Basically, the cancer has spread and is getting worse. The small cells they found last time have gotten bigger and now there are more of them. It has even moved into her liver and "soft tissue" which is basically her skin, so she's got these bumps every where that we didn't know what they were until yesterday. Or at least they weren't telling us before. They are going to put her through one more round of treatment (3 treatments over the next 6 weeks), but feel if the chemo doesn't reduce the cancer this time that any more than this will do her more harm then good. Naturally, they can't give us exact timing on all of this, but on average they've said if this doesn't work we're looking at 4-6 months.

Now, THAT sucks. My heart aches for her and her family. My God. What would you do if you found out you only had that long to live?? I couldn't even imagine. And I can't imagine my life without her. She's been my mentor and one of God's biggest warriors. I see why God wants her home with him, but wait, we aren't finished with her yet!!! She says she's not giving up and she's fighting with all she's got, but her spirits are so far down. She's putting up a brave front but you know behind that front is a scared woman. Not to mention the excruciating pain she is in. She is so devoted to her family and she doesn't want to leave them either. And her husband, Jay, is not doing well either. I hate to say it, but he loves her so much, if he loses her, I would venture to guess that he won't be long after her.

Please contiune to pray for her and her family. I'm really not ready to let her go. Yes, I know that is selfish, but I can't help it. Too much has already been lost this year. God I wish my best friend were here to talk to about everything. She always makes me feel better and I miss her.

Anyway. Again, please keep her in your prayers and if you know anyone that has prayer chains, please place her and her family on it. maybe if we all pray together, she can beat this.

Thank you to everyone.


Andie said...

I am so sorry to hear about Cheryl. It is really hard to see someone you love go through something like this and there is not a damn thing you can do to help them. You feel so helpless. Just be there for her and her family when they need you. She is in my prayers!

Cas said...

God has a plan; we don't always get it, but he does. I'll pray with you.

Anonymous said...

I just hate this. I'll keep Cheryl in my prayers, along with Jay and the rest of the family.