Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I am just the luckiest one!!!!!!

Now I don't want all ya'll be jealous or nothing, but, I had my little doctor visit this morning and had my abdominal ultrasound and my upper GI, and guess what?!?!? I am the proud momma of a 1 inch round gallstone!! Yeah me! I know ya'll are all jealous right now, but try not to be okay? :-)

It was actually pretty interesting. I got to see the inside of my body. All kinds of different organs. It helps to smooze the techs!!! Hence the reason I actually already know that I have a gallstone because the tech showed it to me. shhhhh!!! don't tell anyone! hehehe It was very interesting looking. No wonder I've been in pain. Little bugger! Now, I have to say, drinking the whole barium thing was NOT happiness. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but still not something I'd like to rush out and do again. The first time wasn't so bad, but the second and third times, I was pretty much done with it!!! and of course, they evidently angered the little bugger by taking its picture cause now he is causing me much pain!

So now I get to sit and wait for the doc to call and tell me the results of my test and what the next step is. From what I am reading on it, it appears to me that it will probably be surgery and they will go on and remove the whole gallbladder. Luckily its not a bad surgery or anything so no worries there. Maybe one overnight stay at the hospital. Hmmmm.....wonder if while they are in there sucking out the gallbladder if they could suck some fat out too? Think I'll ask! hehehee

I got really tickled at a story that the tech told me about. She told me that this 16 year old girl and her mom came in and the tech was asking if there was anyway the girl could be pregnant and the girl was very adamant that there wasn't any way possible that she could be pregnant. So, they proceed with the ultrasound and momma is standing there looking at the screen, watching as the tech is exploring. Well, low and behold, guess what they found?!?! Yep, a baby. And a pretty far along baby at that! Of course mom went ape and started yelling at the 16 year old and I kid you not, the girl looked at her momma and said, "ITS NOT MINE!!!"

Seriously, you can't make this stuff up!! hehehehee

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