Friday, October 5, 2007

My Big Date

Okay, I'm scared. I feel like a nervous little school girl on her first "real" date. Anon's (now known as: Beth (she didn't like the anon name, so we gave her a new name!!)) hubby, my EX, actually consented to she and I meeting for dinner. He's not fully comfortable with it mind you, but has consented nevertheless. Of course, she promised him we weren't going to sit around and compare notes or anything, so maybe that made him feel better. But GEEZ, that was 20 years ago, so I hardly even remember any notes to tell her about! I'm getting old you know?? hehehe Or maybe he's worried I'm going to convert her. I am after all, physco as we all well know. :-) But they say physco like its a bad thing!!!

So anyway. We are meeting at the Cheesecake Factory tonight. She is bringing their two beautiful daughters, so I'm already gonna be outnumbered.

Of course with any big date, I got up this morning and made sure I washed my hair and tried to make it all look nice. I have to make an impression you know!?? And of course, wouldn't you know, I'm having a very bad hair day. It never seems to work when you want it too! Then you try and find cloths and of course, I couldn't find a thing I wanted to wear. That whole being FAT thing has really limited my clothing options! :-) Oh well. Good thing she got to know before she saw me right?? And of course, SHE is going early so she can get her hair cut, so HER hair is gonna look all good. Now THAT's not fair!

Now the funny thing though, I wonder just how nervous her hubby is gonna be all night.......Wanna bet he calls her 100 times or so? As Andi said, paybacks a bitch!! Shouldn't have done what you did to US all those years ago! heheheehe j/k

Wish me luck!! Hopefully she won't hate me after she actually meets me!! hehehehee I'll keep ya posted!


Anonymous said...

From Beth:

Cat, why u so scaeered? Don't be a big babie... That's me. Hey physco isn't always bad just ask my oldest... she told hubby I was being a crazy physco mom several weeks back. hehehe
Just remember how good a therapist I am!

And GEEPERS girlie, don't worry about the hair or looks or anything. I don't go for looks. hehehe But I can see you wanting to impress me more than some big, tall, macho handsome guy. hehehehe

And on my end... bad weather, bad hair day for me too. If I get it cut believe me it won't look all that great cause they can never fix it good. Fine and straights so hard to work with. :o( If I don't get it cut it'll still look bad cause it needs cutting.

I'm gonna so dispise you after we meet. Woman, what has the physcologist told you before?!?! ok now get a grip. :) I wish we had our IM thingys on here so I can put my laughing deal on.

Oh and no worries cause the whole being short and scrawny thing limits my clothing options also. People just don't know!!!

The Good Anon said...

You girls quit fightin' over who looks better, or dresses better, or whose hair is less frizzy. My suggestion is that you two, plus Andie, just get naked, and sit all around me in the hot tub. Everyone always looks better in a hot tub. And women always looks good naked. So, as usual, I've fixed the problem.

The Good Anon said...

Wait, that can't be right. Me plus a pack of naked women. No, that won't work. Cat knows that the mere sight of one naked woman would make me run screaming from the room. Still . . . might be fun to try.