Sunday, July 8, 2007

Road Trip!!!

Sitting quietly on the couch on a lazy Saturday, watching the food network.........all of a sudden, an idea you saw on TV hits you. The dh saw this show that was featuring an authentic New York style diner here in our little home state. And surprisingly enough, its only about an hour or two away! Being from New York originally, (he got here as fast as he could!!!) this sounded like a fantastic idea for lunch. So we grab Momma T and out the door we go.

Evidently on the way to the fire field in College Station, we've all passed this place, but never really thought twice about it. Just a little whole-in-the-wall joint. Of course now it proudly displays a neon flashing sign that says "As seen on the Food Network". We pull into the parking lot and go inside. It is so cute!!! Just like an old street side diner you might actually find on the streets of New York.

We each got something different so we could test out a few items, and OMG! It was wonderful. We started off with some chedder cheese fries, which is fries and cheddar cheese layerd and topped with bacon with a side of ranch. Wow. that was fantastic! The dh was in hog heaven. For anyone interested, the link for this place is: Everything was really good.

With full bellies, we got back in the car to head back home. We took the senic drive back and drove through Washington on the Brazos State Park and a few other places. It was so nice and so relaxing and peaceful. The weather even held out and didn't rain until after we got home. Of course once we got home, we realized we needed a few things from Walmart so back in the car me and Momma go. Think we wore the poor dh out.

Three hours later we finally make it back home. I still have no idea how we spent that long at Walmart!! After watching Carlos Mincia, I finally decided it was time to take my tired butt to bed. it was WAY passed my bedtime.

but what a fantastic way to spend the day. I LOVE road trips and trying new places. I suggest if anyone gets the chance, check this place out. Its really very good.

1 comment:

Andie said...

I wish I could just pack up and go like that:) It's a little hard with 2 kids! Glad y'all had fun, you needed it.