Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Lesson Learned the Hard Way

Cat (a/k/a ME), plus naked, plus bath tub full of water, plus Stormy (my cat), plus Sebastian (my other cat) = disaster. Human vs. two cats ........ the cats win!!

I was taking a bath the other day and Stormy decided to jump up on the side of the tub to say hello. She was facing me with her butt hanging over the side of the tub. Well, Sebastian, being the joker that he is, decided he was going to play. So, he jumped up and goosed her scaring the ever loving daylights out of her. She falls in the tub, in my lap, with claws just a wailing. All I could do was close my eyes and in one fail swoop I reached out to grab the cat and throw her out. Everything in our path went flying across the bathroom. I surveyed the damage and looked at all the blood pouring down my fingers and on my feet. Other than fileting my fingers and feet, I got off pretty lucky!!

And I know that little snot Sebastian was over there dying laughing at the whole thing. Especially after I promptly got out, fixed my wounds and scooped up Stormy and cut them darn claws!!!

You know, they should really make knives out of cat's claws. Them little bastards are SHARP!


Cas said...

Cats and water DO NOT mix!

Sorry for your pain but grateful for the laugh!

Andie said...

I am so sorry but like cas said thanks for the laugh:) I needed it!

Liberated Momma said...

That should teach everyone not to piss off the pussy!

Cat said...

You know, it really was funny. Hurt like a bitch, but I'm really glad I could make everyone smile today!